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      2. 您当前所在位置:今日头条新闻 > 民生 > 翻译:岑桑·《残雪断想》(中)


        来源:http://www.yunrensanye.com/作者:admin人气: 发布时间:2020-07-20 16:43:36

          Then it was a time of a hundred leagues locked in ice and ten thousand leagues of whirling snow. The world was in fact still frozen and silenced by the force of the ice and snow. Man was forced to wait in pain. The eagerness for the coming of spring made them anxious to the point of tearing their chests open.


          Oh, when would the colourful butterflies be whirling about again? When would the orioles be flying around? When would the flowers blossom, the trees turn green, the bee hives overflow wither sweet honey, and the human heart be full of the ties of friendship?...



          Beautiful expectations are dancing in our hearts, for life has been so desolate for so long and nobody can bear it any longer. We sincerely hope that the snow melt overnight, and the flowers and leaves flourish. But the warmth of spring is not yet enough to melt the hard, thick ice. No wonder that even after the swallows are darting about, there are still some people who are not yet convinced that the world is changing. And there are those men who are only satisfied in their eagerness to understand this feeling through touch.


          Is it just because of this that you don’t believe spring is before your eyes?


          The sun’s reflection of the melting snow is blinding our eyes. However, it is slowly melthing and no longer can you build a snowman with it.


          With a chilly gesture, the melting snow still settles in this corner and that corner, trying its best to keep a foothold to life. However, the melting weather is too warm for the snow, so it finally surrendered to spring.


          The remainder of snow, you are a proof of the ugly force that desperately attempts to force itself upon the earth when it should retreat. You are also a symbol of the impossible escape from its doomed fate. You belong to winter with your cold-blooded and untamed character. However, you are also a proof in the triumph of spring with your dissolving appearance. We can see the real spring atmosphere through your chilly, bleak light.


          The cold winter has retreated, and the melting snow is its real guard.

          (张梦井、杜耀文 译)



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